Lehae> Lihlahisoa> Titanium Alloy Seam Noss PIPE

Titanium Alloy Seam Noss PIPE

There are 99 products

  • Titium Tube Ts'ebetso Zero Custting




    Matla a ho Fana:300000 tons/month

    Sebaka sa Tšimoloho:Jiangsu, China

    Tlhahiso:300000 tons/month

    Melemo le likopo tse pharaletseng tsa Titanium Tubes Tipe ea Tipe ke mofuta o mocha oa boitsebiso ba tšepe tse ngata tse ileng tsa nkela lipaki tsa tšepe ka botlalo le lipeipi tsa tšepe likarolo tse ling. Joale, ke eng e etsang hore e phatlalatsoe...

  • Botenya ba lebota la titanium allo lositsoeng




    Matla a ho Fana:300000 tons/month

    Sebaka sa Tšimoloho:Jiangsu, China

    Tlhahiso:300000 tons/month

    Mokhoa oa ho lokisa titanium le titanium elloy alloy alloy lokeletso Boqapi bo senola mokhoa oa ho lokisa Tinamium le Titalium Alloy Seamile Blanks. Mokhoa ke: 1. Ho hata seaparo ka bareng, ebe u pefatsa bokaholimo ba bare, 'me joale ba phefunya...

  • Phala ea Tinatium e hloekileng




    Matla a ho Fana:300000 tons/month

    Sebaka sa Tšimoloho:Jiangsu, China

    Tlhahiso:300000 tons/month

    Jiangsu Maihe ke moetsi oa terata ea terata ea Tatanium Tube Chanition, ho kenyeletsa le Titaning Blante and tlhahlobong ea lefeella. Titanium le Titalium Allows bal baf ba nang le matla a maholo, matla a maholo, a hanyetsanang le khatello e matla...

  • Tatiamo ea phepelo ea Titania




    Matla a ho Fana:300000 tons/month

    Sebaka sa Tšimoloho:Jiangsu, China

    Tlhahiso:300000 tons/month

    Melemo le likopo tse pharaletseng tsa Titanium Tubes 1. Titanium Tubes e na le mosebetsi o phahameng oa lik'hemik'hale. Titanium e na le ts'ebetso e phahameng ea lik'hemik'hale ea lik'hemik'hale 'me e hlahisa karabelo...

  • Bophahamo bo phahameng ba titanium bo hloekileng




    Matla a ho Fana:300000 tons/month

    Sebaka sa Tšimoloho:Jiangsu, China

    Tlhahiso:300000 tons/month

    Lipontšo tse fapaneng tsa likopo tsa Titanium Tubes Litšireletso tsa li-indasteri tsa 1.Moli Tsimon-Class Nuclear Subrimarine, Tinas Tubes e na le ts'ebeliso e pharalletseng indastering ea sesole. Li-such tsa li-Nuclear tsa nyutlelie,...

  • Titanium Tubetitanium Alloy Pipe




    Matla a ho Fana:300000 tons/month

    Sebaka sa Tšimoloho:Jiangsu, China

    Tlhahiso:300000 tons/month

    Lipontšo tse fapaneng tsa likopo tsa Titanium Tubes 1. Likopi tsa indasteri ea lik'hemik'hale Mefuta ea lisebelisoa e ntlafalitsoe ho tloha se seng le e le ea masoha ho ea ho tse kholo le tse fapaneng. Ho latela lefapha la indasteri la...

  • Monate oa Malimo Tina Alloe




    Matla a ho Fana:300000 tons/month

    Sebaka sa Tšimoloho:Jiangsu, China

    Tlhahiso:300000 tons/month

    Litšobotsi tsa Ts'ebetso ea Lihlahisoa tsa Tinass Tibium Tubis Li-tubium li-tubes li arotsoe hangata ho ba li-tusis tsa titanium tse sa amaneng le li-tiubes tsa Tinatium. Mabapi le tlhahiso ea tiules e se nang leoatle, lilemong tsa morao tjena,...

  • Liipone tsa indasteri tse hloekileng tsa Titanium ea tšepe




    Matla a ho Fana:300000 tons/month

    Sebaka sa Tšimoloho:Jiangsu, China

    Tlhahiso:300000 tons/month

    Titanium Alloy Seam Qalong e ne e sebelisoa haholo ho etsa likarolo tsa enjine ea lifofane le likarolo tsa sebopeho bakeng sa lirokete, metsu le lifofane tse lebelo le lifofane tse matla. Ho tloha bohareng ba bo-1960, ho bile le ka sebelisoa...

  • Titanium alloy ohd




    Matla a ho Fana:300000 tons/month

    Sebaka sa Tšimoloho:Jiangsu, China

    Tlhahiso:300000 tons/month

    Titanium Alloy Seam Noss PIPE Khampani ea rona e sebelisa mekhoa ea mahlale a batang le a chesang a batang le tlhahlobo ea morao-rao ea tlhahlobo, eddy ea morao-rao. Lipekisi tsa rona tse nang le matanium tse nang le matanium tse koahetsoeng ka...

  • Botenex Wall Tinatium Alloy Seamjec




    Matla a ho Fana:300000 tons/month

    Sebaka sa Tšimoloho:Jiangsu, China

    Tlhahiso:300000 tons/month

    Tatanium alloy e na le thepa e phahameng ea ho sisinyeha, thepa e ntle e tsitsitseng, 'me e ka feptjoa ka mefuta e fapaneng. Matla a kopaneng a kopaneng a ka fihlela 90% ea matla a tšepe ea motheo, 'me ts'ebetso ea ho khaola e hantle....

  • E hlophiselitsoe boleng bo holimo bo tloaelehileng ba tianium tuti




    Matla a ho Fana:300000 tons/month

    Sebaka sa Tšimoloho:Jiangsu, China

    Tlhahiso:300000 tons/month

    Jiangsu Maihe ke moetsi oa terata ea terata ea Tatanium Tube Chanition, ho kenyeletsa le Titaning Blante and tlhahlobong ea lefeella. Titanium li-tubers li bobebe, ka matla a phahameng ebile li na le thepa e phahameng ka ho fetisisa. E sebelisoa...

  • Tatanium alloy




    Matla a ho Fana:300000 tons/month

    Sebaka sa Tšimoloho:Jiangsu, China

    Tlhahiso:300000 tons/month

    Tlhahisoleseling ea Titanium Tube kenyelletso le ts'ebeliso: Titanium Alloy Libata li bobebe, ka matla a phahameng ebile li na le thepa e phahameng ka ho fetisisa. E sebelisoang haholo ho Aerospace, likarolo tsa likoloi, lipula tsa leoatle tsa...

  • Seamles terata ea leoatle ea titanium tube




    Matla a ho Fana:300000 tons/month

    Sebaka sa Tšimoloho:Jiangsu, China

    Tlhahiso:300000 tons/month

    Titanium ke lebone le bohareng le fapaneng la silevera le nang le boima ba lefu la silevera, matla a phahameng, matla a tšepe le ho hanyetsa mohopolong oa lirestures. Titanium Alloy Seam Jiangsu Maihe Mati Hei o ile a theha ka Mmesa 2018 mme o...

  • Matla a phahameng a tudium tube




    Matla a ho Fana:300000 tons/month

    Sebaka sa Tšimoloho:Jiangsu, China

    Tlhahiso:300000 tons/month

    Melemo ea li-titanium tse salon ke life? Ts'ireletso e ikhethang (matla a Tensles / a ho bona setšoantšo) E na le matla a matle a kelello. Mocheso oa ts'ebetso ke likhato tse makholo a makholo a mangata ho feta tsa aluminium lehare. E ntse e...

  • Tete ea lebota le teteaneng ea titanium tuti




    Matla a ho Fana:300000 tons/month

    Sebaka sa Tšimoloho:Jiangsu, China

    Tlhahiso:300000 tons/month

    Likarolo tse ka tlase: Bongata bo tlase, ho hanyetsa hamonate hantle, ho tsitsa, ho na le mafome, bo botle ba li-cology, ba molomo. Likopo tsa tutium tje tsa liipone: Kaho, likoloi, sesole, li-biones, sesole sa motlakase, koloi aquamulture, jj....

  • Seaparo sa boleng bo holimo se nang le boima ba titanium




    Matla a ho Fana:300000 tons/month

    Sebaka sa Tšimoloho:Jiangsu, China

    Tlhahiso:300000 tons/month

    Patias ea tatium e se nang mohala ke pipi e telele e entsoeng ka thepa ea titanium kapa titanium alloy ka karolo e thata le ho se tsamaee ho potoloha peō e potileng. Qalong e ne e sebelisoa haholo ho hlahisa likarolo tsa enjene ea lifofane le...

  • Bophara bo boholo ba tšollo e teteaneng leboteng la tiass titanium phala




    Matla a ho Fana:300000 tons/month

    Sebaka sa Tšimoloho:Jiangsu, China

    Tlhahiso:300000 tons/month

    Li-pipi tsa Titanium tse anyang li hlahisoa ka mekhoa e metle joalo ka lits'ebetso tse batang le tse chesang tsa ho chesa, lits'ebetso tsa SIRDINGDINGDINGDING LESHALO. Li-pipi tse ngata tse nang le mekotla e meholo e nang le mekotla e...

  • Low e kholo titanium alloy phala




    Matla a ho Fana:300000 tons/month

    Sebaka sa Tšimoloho:Jiangsu, China

    Tlhahiso:300000 tons/month

    Titanium le Titanium Alhloys ba na le melemo e tlase, matla a phahameng, matla a matle le mocheso o phahameng oa mocheso le khatello ea maikutlo. Li sebelisoa haholo ka aerospace, indasteri ea tšebetso ea matsoho, jj. Titanium alloy e se nang lesela...

  • E Khethehileng e Ikhethileng e Khethiloeng ea Tianium Allong Tube




    Matla a ho Fana:300000 tons/month

    Sebaka sa Tšimoloho:Jiangsu, China

    Tlhahiso:300000 tons/month

    Titanium Alloy Seam Titanium Alloy o na le matla a maholo le letsoalo le tlase, thepa e ntle, e leng matla a mangata, ho thatafala le ho ikamahanya le maemo a mangata. Li-alloys tsa Titanium li sebelisoa haholo ho etsa likarolo tsa lichelete tsa...

  • Zero-Cut Seamles Tinals Titanium Tube




    Matla a ho Fana:300000 tons/month

    Sebaka sa Tšimoloho:Jiangsu, China

    Tlhahiso:300000 tons/month

    Litšobotsi tsa li-tianium tse sa lefelloeng 1. Titanium Tubes e bobebe ka boima ba 'mele ebile e na le thepa e ntle haholo ea ho aka. Li sebelisoa ka bongata lisebelisoa tsa phapanyetsano ea mocheso tse kang li-complys, e le lipeo le liphaephe...

  • Ho rulula taanium e hloekileng




    Matla a ho Fana:300000 tons/month

    Sebaka sa Tšimoloho:Jiangsu, China

    Tlhahiso:300000 tons/month

    Melemo ea Titanium Alloy Seam Noss PIP: 1. Lihlahisoa tse ntle tsa mocheso: Lipapali tsa Titanium li ntse li ka boloka thepa ea bona ea mochini le mocheso oa mocheso o tlase. Titanium Alloys e nang le thepa e ntle ea mocheso le lintho tse tlase tsa...

  • Liipone tsa Seiki tsa Titanium Tube




    Matla a ho Fana:300000 tons/month

    Sebaka sa Tšimoloho:Jiangsu, China

    Tlhahiso:300000 tons/month

    Titanium Alloy Seam Noss PIPE Titanium ke mofuta o mocha oa tšepe, 'me li-alloys tsa Titanium li latela titanium ka tlatsetso ea likarolo tse ling. E na le lintho tse ngata tse felletseng tsa phello, ho tsilatsila botle ba segari, ho thatafatsa...

  • Matla a phahameng a melatium allo logo




    Matla a ho Fana:300000 tons/month

    Sebaka sa Tšimoloho:Jiangsu, China

    Tlhahiso:300000 tons/month

    Titanium Alloy Seam Noss PIPE Titanium Alloy Seam Qalong e ne e sebelisoa haholo ho etsa likarolo tsa enjine ea lifofane le likarolo tsa sebopeho bakeng sa lirokete, metsu le lifofane tse lebelo le lifofane tse matla. Ho tloha bohareng ba bo-1960,...

  • Liindasteri Tianium Alloy Seam holofar




    Matla a ho Fana:300000 tons/month

    Sebaka sa Tšimoloho:Jiangsu, China

    Tlhahiso:300000 tons/month

    Titanium Alloy Seam Noss PIPE Lifate tsa Titanium li na le menyetla e mengata ea liphaephe tsa setso tsa tšepe, lipeipi tsa tšepe tse ntle matla a maholo, a ka fihlelang phokotso ha a ntse a tiisa matla le botsitso. Morero o boima; Ho na le mefuta e...

Lehae> Lihlahisoa> Titanium Alloy Seam Noss PIPE
Re tla ikopanya le uena ka nqane

Tlatsa tlhaiso-leseling e eketsehileng e le hore e ka ikopanya le uena kapele

Polelo ea boinotšing: Lekunutu la hau le bohlokoa haholo ho rona. Khamphani ea rona e tšepisa hore ha e etse hore u se ke ua senola tlhahisoleseling ea hau ho ea pele.
